Friday, May 11, 2007

My career options

This week I am having the chance to experiment some my possible career options...
I tried again my luck as casamentera, again with some colleagues. Again it didn't work out as I expected, but I guess it is normal when one of the two people you are trying to match is not single (I had erroneous information about this point, I only found out later).

Este fin de semana tendré la oportunidad de experimentar la opción ser-Señora-de. I am halfway kidding. We will go to "the ball" of dave's firm. So, yes, long dress, uncomfy shoes, stupid bag and annoying echarpe, the full set. Y un montón de gente hablando en alemán, mirandose a los ojos cuando brindan, y dandose tres besos cuando se saludan. Ya vereis como la cago.

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