Thursday, November 30, 2006


Ayer se me ocurrió pedir el puente de la inmaculada, a lo que mi jefe contesta, si si, perfecto, pero si te quieres ir el puente el memo este que me estás preparando para el viernes (este viernes) que esté perfecto, que no haya que cambiar ni un punto ni una coma, para incluir directamente en el informe final...

Qué tienen que ver los churros con las merinas? que tiene que ver el tocino con la velocidad? y el hambre con las ganas de comer?

A ver, que soy Research Officer, no Analista ni Consultora, ni Consultora Senior, que los Research Officers en otros equipos no escriben nada que vaya al informe...

Y si lo que escribo no sirve no me voy de puente? esto es una mierda de chantaje emocional. Vamos que como se le ocurra decirme que no me puedo ir de puente ya le puede ir renovando el contrato a Rita la Cantaora

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Vaya recochineo

Si señor... vuelvo a colgar algo en el blog...será la inspiración ya que antes ya colgué un post muy largo o mejor dicho la indignación...

Llego a casa, enciendo el televisor y sale una pepera en el Congreso de los Diputados diciendo que importa más una mutilada por el terrorismo actual que una tragedia que ocurrió hace 70 años.
Que vergüenza que un partido político pueda decir eso, que vergüenza, que rabia, que impotencia. Se me caen las lágrimas por vivir en una democracia con actores de teatrillo de plaza de pueblo, que sólo quieren que la gente salga a la calle y grite lemas de tres palabras... Que vergüenza cómo buscan la portada, como instrumentalizan los temas, qué poco les importan las victimas...
Osea que los muertos de la guerra civil no importan porque ocurrió hace 70 años, y el holocausto tampoco...
QUE VERGÜENZA!!!!!!!!!!!! Qué indignación!!!!
Por favor, de verdad si es más grave estar mutilado que muerto, por qué no mutilasteis a todos los rojos en lugar de fusilarlos? es más grave porque el crimen lo cometió eta y no una panda de fachas asesinos? Es que mis muertos no importan?
Qué vergüenza esos políticos de pacotilla!!!! En fin, por eso no voto!!

So many emotions

Apparently last post has been a bit shocking... well, not that I am in any kind of depression, it was just that last weekend was so full of emotions I woke up on Monday morning with the nostalgia of it and the fear of a tedious week in front of me.

This weekend I had really a little bit of everything... I started stressed on friday evening because when I left the office in the cab I got trapped by the traffic jam in my way to the airport. So I arrived on time for my plane but a bit stressed. I bought a few presents in the gift shops and checked the gate of my plane... and oh oh surprise! my plane is delayed for two hours, instead of leaving at 20:00 it would leave at 22:00. Despair. The heating in the airport is extremely high. I talked with the guy of Iberia: my plane is broken and the only available plane arrives from Oviedo at 21:45. Then I decide to go shopping to cheer my self up, cause there is no hairdresser in this terminal of the airport (I really need to go to the hairdresser, and it really cheers up so that would have been perfect, next available substitute is clothe shopping). I'm in Mango trying some t-shirts and discover the result of my despair, I have a rush on my arm, very close to the axile (I have very sensitive skin and I get rushes all the time due to the materials, the stress or the food). Shit.I really need to change clothes then and buy some moistourizing cream. I bought two sweaters, so nothing I should wear at the moment (because of the rush). I go to the toilet and I change of t-shirt by the only available option that would not imply any material touch the rush: an open back t-shirt with a knot by the neck, anyway since my plane is delayed I'll have to go straight from the airport to the party, this way I am already dressed for the party. Consequence: it looks a bit weird for an airport where most of people is either casually dressed or business-dressed. I get out of the toilet and check the panel in front of me: my plane is delayed one more hour!!!!!!!! Can't believe it!!!! Now I am really angry, if I get to Brussels by 1:30, I'll arrive around 2am to a party that started at 11pm. A lot of people will have already left. I go to complain to Iberia. There I meet Magalie, a friend of a friend. That saved the stay at the airport.... Went to have diner with her, I withdrew money and then we had to run all over the terminal to catch our flight (iberia fuckers).

I got to Brussels and I go into, probably, the only cab whose driver doesn't know where the rue du marché du charbon is, I explain him, however he checks in the map and decides to go to bourse. Of course he leaves me there, but at the very other end of the street. I'm tired and annoyed. I meet Dave= finally relax. Loads of people is there! slowly slowly I get into the mood of partying. So nice to see everybody again. And so nice to feel all the enthousiasm: Zahra is going to Sri Lanka, Jonathan to Bangladesh, Malin to Malawi, etc, etc... This was a very very happy good bye party. Very cool. I see dave falling asleep, of course he lies to me because he knows I am having fun, but he is such a bad lier. We stayed until 3 am.

Back to rue Paul Lauters... it still feels home when I see the street, when I stand in front of the door, and of course when I get into the elevator. I love that elevator, because it is so small that only two people, standing very very close, fit in it. And so every single trip I have done with dave in this elevator I got a kiss.

Next morning we woke up late, we had a nice breakfast with Charlotte and Cyrille in the kitchen and then I went to Marcollini. What a wonderful chocolate shop. I wanted to buy some chocolates for the people of the office and Dave wanted to buy something for his secretary. In the end I went alone, cause Dave had to work. Being in Marcollini was great... Despite the awful belgian shop assistant... let's not talk about the belgians now, it would destroy the moment... Marcollini is for me like being in a jewelery shop, but better, cause there is no jewels but chocolate, wonderful chocolate... However, this year, the winter collection is not so tasteful as other times, instead it looks bulky. I call Dave, I tell him that the winter collection doesn't look nice, sure it tastes good but it doesn't look as stylish as it used to be. We agree on buying a box of various truffes for his secretary. I was going to buy a similar box for the people in my office, but in the last minute I see a simple box of truffes bresiliennes, they look great, I ask if it is possible to put this type of truffes in the mix. Of course not, the shop assistant is belgian: I have to buy either the small box of truffes bresiliennes or the bigger box with the mix of truffes but no truffe bresilienne. She is trying to sell me I should buy both big boxes of mix truffes and one small box of truffes bresiliennes. I think fuck you, I am not gonna spend the price of a big box if you don't give me what I want. Result, I buy only the truffes bresiliennes and the box of mixed truffes for Dave's secretary.

Then I head towards chatelain, I am to meet Iratxe for lunch. So nice to walk around rue Bailli, place du chatelain, but it is fucking cold. So I go into a café to wait for Iratxe. She comes, we had a nice tea, we discuss about her work, my work, other consultancy firms, while we wait for Andreas, who is also coming... We start to have lunch. Zoi calls she will join in some minutes. So nice to see them, but I start to have the pressure, I am late for my next meeting. I had to meet Sol at grande place. I call her and ask if she can join in chatelain. Ok arranged. The afternoon flew... So nice to see everybody.

Dave calls he finished work and he helped Anna to buy a present for Rodrigo, he is ready to join to see my sister. Sol insists on driving us there. Horrible traffic jam, is gonna take for ever. I call my sister, we change the place to meet. She arrives, with four or five friends, all of them are also doing their Erasmus in Maastricht. So weird to share these livings, talk about common places. Yes, Metamorfoos, Ala, Heaven 69 and Shamrock are still six years later the most popular places.

Ok again I am running late, I have to get ready for diner at Birgitte's place. We go back home, my sister picks up a few things I had brought for her and we leave.
Birgitte's dinner was great, I don't know how people manage to organize so sophisticated dinners for so many people (I think we were 11 people), but it was gorgeous, and it was great being together again.

We go back home, lay on bed. Diner was delicious but WE ATE TOO MUCH!!!

Sunday, brunch at Pawel and Elise's. In the way Rodrigo drove in his new car... a very green car and we are all very tight sitting in the back. Of course we get into a traffic jam. We arrive late at Pawel and Elise's. Again wonderful food, nice company, nice music and funny discussions.

It is 3:30 pm, need to hurry again, need to be back at charlotte's around 4 for tea. The tea with the girls was nice, although I had to leave quite quickly for the airport.

I took the cab with dave, we had the plane leaving at the same time. In fact it is a shit to know that you are in the same airport but in different terminals during 1 hour (because he flies outside EU, it is a different terminal).

And then back in Madrid... Madrid is so unespecial ... but I am alone until wednesday so tuesday I organize a small apero at home for the people of my office


Monday, November 27, 2006


Triste cosa es el sueño
que llanto nos arranca,
mas tengo en mi tristeza una alegría...
¡Sé que aún me quedan lágrimas!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Se hundió mi carrera como casamentera

Efectivamente, no funcionó... Mis compañeras de oficina, Juana y Julia, que estaban interesadas en Martin (antes de que viniera), apenas hablaron con él en la cena... Desastre total. Me hundieron mi carrera como casamentera... Julia estaba intimidada (en fin lo que hay que oir a estas alturas de la vida) y Juana...
Juana vino casi sin dormir (había dormido sólo 3 horas) y además la noche anterior había conocido a Pedro Almodóvar... y estaba casi que en estado de shock, así que casi solo habló de eso. Bueno que lo entiendo, probablemente yo hubiera estado igual si hubiera conocido a Pedro Almodóvar...
En fin, que se le va a hacer... tendré que hacer un test de mercado para la churrería... Aunque también este fin de semana descubrí que el chocolate caliente en suiza no es tan espeso como el chocolate caliente español... Y claro un chocolate caliente aguachirri no pega mucho con los churros, es decir, que habrá que comprobar el éxito del chocolate caliente suizo+ receta española...
Por lo demás, el fin de semana estuvo muy bien. El sábado, a pesar de la lluvia, paseamos por la ciudad, fuimos de compras etc y el domingo Dave y yo fuimos a comer con mis padres y con mis tíos. Resulta que mi tío es un experto en historia árabe española, yo sabía que leía mucho de estos temas por hobby (porque él en realidad trabaja en la tele) pero no tenía ni idea de que fuera un super experto (hasta ha dado una conferencia en Cambridge)... Fue una comida muy interesante...
Además conocí a mi primita (todavía no la conocía), super guapa. Sí, a mí que nunca me han parecido monos los bebés... En fin debe de ser la edad y el reloj biológico que comienzan a actuar, porque los bebés siempre me habían parecido feos y aburridos... En fin... que nadie se alarme todavía que bebé todavía no quiero!!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006


Parece mentira, de repente mi novio viene el fin de semana, y ahora mis padres también, así de repente... Sí me acaba de llamar mi mami :-) que llegan esta noche a las 9pm...

:-) :-)

El único problema... ESTOY MÁS MUERTA QUE VIVA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pero como siempre, sobreviviré :-)

Ayer al final entre pitos y flautas me fui a dormir a las mil... Lo más gracioso y "totally non-related" es que me desperté a las ocho de la mañana con la canción Hotel California sonando dentro de mi cabeza (ni la oí ayer, ni la he oido hace un montonazo de tiempo...) En fin no sé como funciona el cerebro humano, pero desde luego el mío es raro... Hotel California me recuerda a Vanessa en mi habitación en Brujas cuando vino a verme... Ay Vanessa, un día de estos te llamo, o mejor me aparezco por Amsterdam!!!!!!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

My career as casamentera is taking off!!!!!!!!!!

Pues sí, ¿increíble verdad? Este fin de semana será la prueba de fuego... Si es que, me meto en cada lío yo solita....
Some of you will maybe remember a friend of Dave called Martin. He came to visit Dave twice while we were in Brussels. A very tall and very shy guy. I think all of us went once to have diner to the nice greek restaurant, where Petr orders calamares non-stop, while this guy was visiting us. As I said this friend of Dave is very shy. And for several reasons I had concluded it was impossible to find him a girlfriend. As you all know I tend to intrude in other people's life, but this time the guy is actually looking for a girlfriend, in very ackward ways... So after telling to two girls in my office that he is not good looking and that he can get on your nerves when he speaks (cause he speaks extremely slowly), I showed them some pictures and they said that he looked ok, actually even goodlooking. I was amazed, so I told dave. Dave told Martin. And now they are both coming next weekend to Madrid.
Ok, I tend to intrude in people's life... but let's look at my boyfriend... he actually looked for plane tickets to come to visit me in Madrid, once that Martin said "let's spend a weekend in Madrid".... or did he push Martin to come to Madrid? In any case, he intrudes as much as me or more...
In the end I will have to organise something to do on Saturday in Madrid, which stresses me, because first of all, I am not a good organiser, and second, I really don't know Madrid yet... Let's see what can I do... But at least, Dave comes to visit me to Madrid! :-)

Este fin de semana en Zurich me di cuenta de que vivo una doble vida: Por un lado en Madrid donde trabajo, hablo español todo el tiempo, vivo en una pequeña habitación en un ático, estoy sola. Por otro lado en Zurich, donde descanso, hablo inglés todo el tiempo, vivo en un piso bastante grande, está Dave. En fin lo ideal sería encontrar un equilibrio, ni lo uno ni lo otro, no?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

hangover day?????

I was about to edit the post below but in the end decided not to, and to write a new one...
After a very long day at the office, I went out with the people from the office... ALL NIGHT!!! Well, I haven't done this since mid-October, in Zaragoza.... Now my throat hurts, but it helps to remind myself, from time to time, that I am not so old...
Actually, I like a lot the people from my office. We are all a little bit crazy, so it is a lot of fun when we are not working which is mainly during the Portuguese lessons, drinks on thursday night and lunch on Friday.
Surprisingly and luckily, despite all the alcohol of yesterday night, and how drunk I got, today I have no hangover... weird hu? So, despite being today a bank holiday, here I am in the office....
And tomorrow..... ZURICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Raining again in Madrid

Yep, it is raining again... I wonder if I should directly try to sleep tonight on the sofa in the livingroom instead of going totally nuts in my room... or maybe I should go out all night instead of trying to sleep ;-) ha ha, this would have been the Maastricht-Bruges-Cristina approach, but this weekend I just discovered that I am not so young as I used to be... I guess since Brussels, the Cristina-going-out-all-night does not exist anymore, except of course when "obliged" by Carolina, Silvia and Jorge in Zaragoza...
I can't believe this, I complained so badly about rain in Brussels all the time that I was there and now I find it even worse in Madrid...

However, I am much more positive this week than the weeks before... the reason must be all these weekends in Zurich :-) my boring life in Madrid becomes much more manageable, the only problem is that it is the same price to go for a week to the Carabean as to go to Zurich every weekend of a month.

On Friday, Maria and Santi celebrate their house warming in Zaragoza. I will not be able to attend because I'll be in Zurich again. It's a pity, but I didn't know it when I bought the plane tickets a month ago. I am really happy for you guys, I am looking forward to seeing your new house :-)