Thursday, October 26, 2006

Mañana... EN CASA!!!

YEAH!!!!! Tomorrow night I will be in Zurich!!!! :-) :-) It is three weeks already.... Way too long... I am not doing this again, three weeks is way, way, too long... I am counting the minutes 1860 right now...
I already have the tickets to see Dave at least every two weeks from now till the 7th of December, the 10-12 of november, and the 1-3 of december I'll be in Zurich and the 24-26 of November we are going to Brussels. Which reminds me that I don't know if I have confirmed this to Charlotte. On the 26 we are having tea at Charlotte's, I am looking forward to this. It will be a lot of fun. I saw the mugs and they are really beautiful. I regret I could not go to this part of the hen party.

Toi mas muerta que viva... Tengo un cuarto muy pequeñito en el ático del piso. La única ventana de mi cuarto está en el techo, y anoche estaba lloviendo, estar en mi cuarto era algo así como estar dentro de un tambor gigante porque la lluvia golpeaba muy fuerte en el cristal.... Así que a las dos de la mañana me rajé... Imposible dormir ahí, y me bajé a dormir al sofá del salón. No es un sofá cama. Así que me desperté a las siete de la mañana con dolor en todos (o casi todos) los pocos músculos que tengo. De hecho he descubierto algún músculo por el dolor...

Today I got a phonecall from a human resource agency, for an interview for a junior finance-accounting position to work for a Spanish company in one of their subsidiaries in France. I haven't answered yet cause I don't know where would this lead me... I'll think about it over the weekend...

Why is life so weird?

Yesterday night, in my insomnia due to the rain, I was thinking about the paradox
of life: I have found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with and I have the job of my life. One cannot have it all, that is a universal truth, and trying to have it all makes me unhappy. The point then is: how long do I want to go on being unhappy?
Maybe I just need some sleep and travelling more often to Switzerland, to be a little bit more optimistic, but at some point I have to take the decision on when am I going to leave Madrid.


1 comment:

EMG said...

Tíaaaaaaaaa, sigues de lo más optimista, eh? A ver si le ponemos un poco más de alegría!!!